Wow, I gotta say, I am genuinely shocked to see this. Guess we'll find out if they do the same thing again this year.
Coded Logic
JoinedPosts by Coded Logic
Kingdom Hall in Chile has National flag!!
by wolfman85 inin the spanish website extj one forum user shows evidence that on the 18th and 19th of september in chile the government calls to honor the nation displaying the national flag everywhere.
failure to do so is liable to a fine.
you can see the photos here:
Like Button
by Coded Logic ini read through the suggestion box and haven't seen anyone recomend this yet: is it possilbe to add a "like" button for posts and comments?
maybe something that keeps count of them like on youtube.
i think it would be a great tool to let people know we appreciate their comments.. i know we have the thumbs up icon we can paste in our comments but its hard to "like" someones elses comment when the thread is already 30 comments deep.. (feel free to thumbs up if this is a feature you'd like to see).
Coded Logic
I read through the suggestion box and haven't seen anyone recomend this yet: Is it possilbe to add a "like" button for posts and comments? Maybe something that keeps count of them like on Youtube. I think it would be a great tool to let people know we appreciate their comments.
I know we have the thumbs up icon we can paste in our comments but its hard to "like" someones elses comment when the thread is already 30 comments deep.
(Feel free to thumbs up if this is a feature you'd like to see)
Reinstatement via Old Cong.
by startingover13 ini've applied to be reinstatement in a new city after attending meetings for a bit.
i wrote my letter and they heard my case.
they were very helpful.
Coded Logic
Okay, sorry to ask the obvious question here, but why bother going through all the hassel of getting re-instated? Is it because of family or something?
Is the Watchtower a secret society?
by marriedtoajw indoes the watchtower teach that keeping secrets is ok?
does its leadership believe that the advancement of the organization hinges on holding back truthful information from prospective members and others who are not in leadership positions?
do you believe that the organization as a whole has a global agenda?
Coded Logic
Does the Watchtower teach that keeping secrets is ok?
They teach, "there is a time to speak and a time to keep silent." So, in a somewhat round about way, they do teach in certain circumstances it is okay.
Does its leadership believe that the advancement of the organization hinges on holding back truthful information from prospective members and others who are not in leadership positions?
Of Course! 607bc anyone?
Do you believe that the organization as a whole has a global agenda?
Well no duh! This is not a secret to anyone.
Do you believe that the organization has a desire that world governments be abolished?
Have you not read ANY of their liturature?
Do you believe that the Watchtower Society has a desire to abolish national borders?
(See previous two answers)
Do you believe that the Socitey wishes to live in harmony with people who don't subscribe to their belief system?
Define "harmony" . . .
Do you believe the Watchtower Society wants peace?
Hell no! All they talk about is war and how everyone is going to be destroyed by their vindictive God. They both worship and relish the idea of warfare.
Do you believe the Watchtower Society wants to control the actions, thoughts and behavior of its members?
I'm pretty sure it all ready does
Do you believe they believe the leaders if the Society know the best way to live?
Nope. But I do think they have some pretty good ideas on some of the worst ways to live.
Do they teach and believe that a New World is on the way?
You're serriously asking this?
Do you believe that the Society imploys mind control tactics?
Intentionally - no. Unintentionally - absolutely!
Do you believe that the Society wouuld like traditional Christianity, especially the Catholic Church, be destroyed?
No, I think they want to get together, hold hands, and sing freaking kumbaya. Of course they want them destroyed! Sheesh, talk about no brainer questions. Or are you asking if the Society will be destroyed? Well I suppose its possible - but I don't think it would take an act of God.
Do you believe the Society is involved in the occult, ie spiritism, enochianism?
I believe - that they believe - they are involved in that sort of thing when it comes to the GB.
Do you believe there are other leadership members not known to the rank and file?
FINALLY! A good question. In the Book CoC Franze says that the corporation had more controll then the GB for a long time. I can't say for sure, but I don't think the idea that the organization still has ties to the Free Masons is that far fetched. But I'm with holding judgment until there is better evidence.
Do you believe the Society would leave documented evidence if the answer to any of these were yes?
They have.
Are the answers to any of these questions impossible to hide?
Clearly not.
Is the Watchtower a secret society?
Sadly, no more so then any other large religious institution.
Will you out live the WTBTS?
by Coded Logic inone year an elder, his special pioneer wife, and their two aux-pioneer children flew out to ny so that they could tour bethel.
while visiting they noticed an old man standing on top of the headquarters with a pair of binoculars.
the elder was perplexed by this and asked their tour guide, what's that old man doing on top of the roof?.
Coded Logic
No problem
My evening at the pub - how many ex-JW's do you think there are?
by berrygerry inso i'm having a pint and talking to the owner and his gf.. she's talking about her line of work - leads to my family history - and that my wife is in a strange religion.. the owner snorts, and says very disdainfully that his ex was a jehovah's witness.
i said bingo.. then the barmaid pipes in about her grandma and all of her aunts and uncles were witnesses, and were all out.
but the grandma has witness siblings, so went back after 20 years.
Coded Logic
JW facts shows that only about 39% of people who are DFd ever get reinstated. So the majority who leave/get kicked out end up staying out.
Will you out live the WTBTS?
by Coded Logic inone year an elder, his special pioneer wife, and their two aux-pioneer children flew out to ny so that they could tour bethel.
while visiting they noticed an old man standing on top of the headquarters with a pair of binoculars.
the elder was perplexed by this and asked their tour guide, what's that old man doing on top of the roof?.
Coded Logic
Wow, okay, didn't expect that. I put this under the humor section but perhaps I should be even more clear.
So going forward, just so there's no confusion, this story is a humors allegory and is NOT based on a real event!!!
Modern Morality .
by jhine inhaving recently been posting on a thread about ot moral values , which are not widely "appreciated " to say the least , i have been thinking about our modern morals about sex and reletionships , or more acurately the lack of any sexual morals todays .
i don't think that we are better off as a society which has gone so far to the do want you want , with whom you want and when you want approach to sexual ethics as we have .
i don't think that women are actually liberated by this attitude .
Coded Logic
How many young women cannot have children because of Chlamydia , how many(men and women ) are coping with AIDS . How many women are left literally "holding the baby" or going though the pain , and often guilt of abortion .
Here in the United States I often speak with theist who try to use the "We are more morale than atheist/agnostics" card. While there is no direct way to measure morality, there are certain factors at which we can look. For example, atheist have both lower rates of both STDs and also teen pregnancies then their Christian counterparts. And Christian women is six times more likely to have an abortion than atheist women.
In order to make good decisions you have to have a good model of how reality works. There are plenty of couples who watch pornography and still have a great sex life. Because they can talk about it openly and have good lines of communication. There are plenty of individuals who sleep around a lot and don't get STDs. Because they exercise safe sex practices. There are many men and woman who are comfortable in their bodies and don't feel sexually degrigated. Because they have learned to accept themselves for who and what they are.
The problem isn't that people are "too liberal". The problem is that, in a large part due to religion, many people think of human sexuality in negitive terms. They try to surpress their feeling and emotions which often leads to lower self esteem and greater liklyhood of taking unneccissary risks - like not using condoms or other kinds of protection.
When we accept who we are - then we can make good decisions. But when we reject who we are - it's a recipe for disaster.
Sex is a naturall part of being human. If you want to share it with just one person - that's a beautiful and wonderful thing. If you want to sleep around a lot and you are honest with your partners - that's great too. Not everyones the same. And no one should be advocating that we all should be.
Will you out live the WTBTS?
by Coded Logic inone year an elder, his special pioneer wife, and their two aux-pioneer children flew out to ny so that they could tour bethel.
while visiting they noticed an old man standing on top of the headquarters with a pair of binoculars.
the elder was perplexed by this and asked their tour guide, what's that old man doing on top of the roof?.
Coded Logic
One year an Elder, his special pioneer wife, and their two aux-pioneer children flew out to NY so that they could tour Bethel. While visiting they noticed an old man standing on top of the headquarters with a pair of binoculars. The Elder was perplexed by this and asked their tour guide, “What's that old man doing on top of the roof?”
“Oh, Brother Watchmen?” Said the Bethelite, “He’s our sentry. He keeps on the lookout for the return of Jesus and the four horseman of the apocalypse.”
The whole JW family was surprised by this. They had known the end was soon - but they hadn't realized the Society was expecting it any day now. When their tour was over they asked if they could speak with the sentry. After getting permission, they were taken up to the rooftop and introduced to the old man.
The Elder's exciment had been building over the past few minutes and, unable to contain himself, he enthusiastically asked, “Please tell us Brother Watchmen, what’s it like being up here keeping on the lookout for the return of Jesus?”
The Old Man pondered thoughtfully and said, “Well, what can I say . . . it’s nice to know I have steady work.”
How old were you when baptized?
by Coded Logic ini was baptized at the age of 11. like most of us, my commitment wasnt to honor god but rather i was gang pressed into the service of the wtbts.
and, at such a young age, it was impossible for me to appreciate the enormity of my actions.
honestly, how could i possibly have known any better?
Coded Logic
Congradualtions! That's awesome :)